Early Years Transitions
Applications for the Primary and Secondary 2025 School Admissions Rounds will open on 12 September 2024: School Admissions: How to apply for a school place (halton.gov.uk)
A Year of Transitions
(Document to be uploaded)
Useful Websites:
Pacey Starting School Together: Starting school toolkit | PACEY
Solihull Approach: inourplace | Solihull Approach – Moving up
BBC Tiny Happy People School Readiness: School readiness: How to prepare your child for school - BBC Tiny Happy People
Transition Packs
Transition packs were delivered to our Nursery 2 cohort moving up to Reception in September. The pack included a newsletter, supporting information and activities to support our young people moving into Reception. The activities were linked to areas of learning and development to support skills and development over the holidays. Moving forward, this will be continued each Summer, with the plan to further develop a pack for the transition from Reception to Year 1. This new pack will have more of a phonics focus, alongside other appropriate activities to continue to support learning and development.